NHC Feb 23Live Event – Part 1/3

So welcome everyone, these are my early Valentine’s Day flowers, from my Irishman yesterday. It was very good timing, that he got them, so that we have them for the live event. Okay, so welcome. So this is the live event for the February 2023, group of the Naturally Healthy Club.

And I want to start this, with one of my favorite thoughts of all time, and just this idea that I will get exactly what I need, exactly when I need it, and I don’t need to know how that’s true. So just, taking a breath, and let those words sink in. And just imagine that feeling true in your heart, because we’re going to be covering a lot today, so no need to stress. Just know that you’re going to absorb what you need right now, to make progress right now.

So don’t worry about taking it all in, or remembering everything, or whatever. Just trust in that process, that you’re going to get what you need. And as always, I like to keep these sessions as interactive as possible, so as I’m talking… Yes, okay. Margaret’s going to stay for the first hour, awesome. Yes, as I’m talking, just type in the chat, if questions come up. Or if you want to unmute yourself, or put your hand up, and shout out, let me know. That’s cool too, because I’d like to address things as we go.

So don’t worry about interrupting me, let’s keep it as interactive as possible. And it’s great for those of you, that can just stay for the first hour, this first hour, I stuffed it, so this is the first that you need right now, to get started, so perfect. Yes, so really we’re going to be covering a lot today. But there’s two key pillars, that we’re going to be learning.

And first, because when we’re changing anything, there’s two aspects that we need to change. First is our habits, so we’re going to be talking about our habits, in this first hour, and our process. And then the second pillar to change, is changing our mindset. So in this second hour… How we’re going to run this, the theme for the first hour is, “I trust the process.” And so, I’m going to talk to you about habit change. Which I am really dialing in on, this time, and making it as simple as possible.

And then I’m also going to be sharing with you, the Naturally Healthy Club Process, that we’re going to be following. Marissa says the nicest things, thank you Marissa. And then in the second hour, the theme for the second hour is, “My thoughts create my results.” So in that hour, I’m going to be talking to you about mindset stuff. So you’re going to learn about self coaching, and you’re also going to learn about…

We’re going to create a belief plan, we’re going to do some exercises together. We’re going to uncover some obstacle thoughts, that’s going to be all about the mindset piece. And in the third hour, the theme for that hour is, “I focus on one meal, at a time.” So in that hour, we’re going to be doing a few different things. So we’re going to talk about nutrition, we’re going to talk about emotional eating, just a top level intro to that. And then we’re also going to talk about common mistakes.

So that is the plan for today, and what we’ll do is, I’ll aim to give us a five to 10 minute break, between each hourly session. So that if you need to go to the loo or anything, we’re not going to make you sit here for the three whole hours. Yes, and also the other thing is, I’ll stop the recording, and actually shut down the Zoom at the end of each hour, just so I can break the recording into three chunks. So you’ll need to use the Zoom link, but it’s the same Zoom link to get back in, at the beginning of the next hour.

Okay. So the first thing we’re going to be talking about, so in this first hour, the plan for the first hour is, first I want to talk to you about habits, so why habits are important, and then we’re going to talk about how to form new habits. And then we’re going to talk about our three part Naturally Healthy Club Process. And I’m going to talk about what the process involves, why the process works, why we have this process, that I’ve evolved over the last…

So you guys, I’ve done over two years of Naturally Healthy Club, so we’ve got a lot of evidence, that the process works. And then we’re going to do a deep dive, into our process, and all the ins and outs of it. And we’re going to talk about how to get started. And then to wrap it up, we’re going to actually create some recipes for our new habits, that we’re going to be forming.

So it might seem like a lot, but we’re going to end it with some really simple, doable, actionable habits, that you’re going to start putting into place, from today. Does that sound good to everyone, how are you feeling, need to check in? Yeah, Marissa’s thump’s up. Marie? Yep, great. Yeah, so if you can turn your camera on, great. If you can’t, that’s cool too. But it’s always nice to see some faces, so that I’m not just feeling like I’m talking into the void.

There’s Vicky, yay. Okay, so habits. So why are habits so important, why do we care about habits? Two main reasons, first is that habits provide evidence, for your subconscious, of… Your habits are the actions, they’re the evidence of your self concept, so they’re how your self concept manifests in the world. And so, if you want to change your self concept, if you want change how you see yourself, by changing your habits, that is the way. That is a hack, to start changing how you see yourself.

So if you see yourself as a sedentary person, but you want to start seeing yourself as an active person, getting into the habit of doing some activity, is going to be evidence for your brain that, “Oh, hang on, we’re an active person.” So changing our self concept, is really this key to sustainable change. And so, that’s the first reason. And then the second reason is, that when we have habits, they’re behaviors that happen automatically.

So habits make your healthy behaviors automatic, or habits make any behavior automatic, so the unhealthy habits as well. And the cool thing when things are automatic, is that they just happen on autopilot, we’re not having to make a conscious decision every time, to do these things. And so they fit into our lives, and it just makes it so much easier. And the other cool thing is that, when you’ve got good, strong habits, it actually feels weird, and feels bad to skip them, and to not do them.

And so when you have good habits in place, you naturally want to do them. So that’s pretty compelling reasons, I’m such a big proponent of habits. And then thing is, that we have habits regardless, as humans habits are a big part of us. But what we want to do in the Naturally Healthy Club, is actually be intentional about our habits, and curate our habits, and cultivate habits that are going to help us, get where we want to go. And learn to untangle, and let go of the habits, that are holding us back, and that aren’t very helpful.

So how do we form, new habits? The first, most important part of any habit formation, is keeping it easy. Because the easier something is to do, the more likely you’ll do it. So there’s a really great book, if you want to go deeper on habits, there’s a really great book called Tiny Habits, by a Stanford researcher called BJ Fogg, F-O-G-G. He studies behavior change, and yes, he has really discovered that.

And it makes sense, the easier stuff… You know it yourself, as a human, if some things are hard to do, we’re way more less likely to do it. Where if something’s easy to do, of course we’re more likely to do it. And so, in BJ Fogg, to give you a concrete example, for years he wanted to form the habit of flossing his teeth. Every time he’d go to the dentist, they’d be like, “You should be flossing,” and he’d be like, “Oh yeah, I know.” And then he’d try, and he wouldn’t form the habit.

So he was like, “Okay, how can I make this, as easy as possible?” And what he decided to do, was that he only had to floss one tooth, that was his minimum requirement habit. And when he set the habit up in that way, as like, “I only have to do one,” that enabled him to become someone who flosses his teeth. And of course, there will be days when he would floss all his teeth, but he just kept that as his minimum habit, and that was enough, to make it easy enough for him, to actually do it.

And there’s a big difference between doing a habit, like flossing one tooth, means you’re someone that flosses their teeth. Whereas not flossing, means nothing. It means that you’re not a flosser. So keeping it easy, is really key. And I’m going to help you with our Naturally Health Habits, to do that. I’ve broken it down, into what is the equivalent, of just flossing one tooth?

And the other thing with keeping it easy is, we want to have a really, super easy version, so that we can have that consistency. Because with habits, keeping the habit alive, particularly in the early stages, is a really key part, to making habits stick. Because if we make it so small that we can do it, and we do it every day, then the more we do a habit, the more it becomes automatic. So it’s like the more we use it, the more it gets imprinted into our subconscious.

So consistency, is keeping habits alive. So that’s the first thing in forming new habits, is that we want to make it easy. And I’m going to do that with you. And then the next thing with forming habits, and this is what BJ Fogg recommends, is to actually create a recipe, which of course, we all love food, we’re down with the recipe idea. And basically the idea of having a habit recipe, it’s just a way of you actually deciding, when and where you’re going to do this new habit. And what it’s going to look like.

And the cool thing with having recipes, is that you get really granular, be ultra specific. Because the more specific you can be, about when, and where, and what you’re actually going to do in your new habit, the more likely it is, that you will do it. So we’re going to keep it easy, and then we’re going to create this ultra specific habit recipe. And before we wrap up for this first hour, I’m going to do an exercise, and we’ll actually create your habit recipes together, for three new habits, that we’re going to form.

But the general theme, for how a habit recipe works, is you write down, “When I whatever, whatever…” Like at a specific time, “Then I will…” So for BJ Fogg’s flossing habit, his was, “When I put my toothbrush back in the charger, I will pull off a piece of floss, and floss one tooth.” So it’s getting really specific, of exactly when. So we’ll actually do an exercise, on that.

And then the third part of forming new habits, is celebrating. Because we change best, when we feel good. So what I mean by celebrating, it’s just noticing and giving yourself positive reinforcement, first of all when you remember to do your new habit, and also when you do the habit. So just even when you’re flossing one tooth, or when you’re doing the minimum requirement, the more positive reinforcement you can give yourself, the more you celebrate that you’re doing the habit, and giving yourself that credit, the better you feel. You feel that sense of accomplishment, it actually releases dopamine in your brain, and it gives you that momentum to keep going.

So by celebrating, you’re actually wiring into your brain, because when you celebrate you release dopamine, which is a neurotransmitter, which makes us feel good. And that’s our reward, since brain is always looking for ways, to get more dopamine. And so by celebrating, that’s telling us that this habit is giving us dopamine, so this is something that we want to keep doing, so it wires in that habit.

Yeah, so that’s the basic of how to form new habits. Does anyone have any questions, on that so far, how’s everyone feeling? I’m going to gallery, you’re feeling okay?

I like this for perfectionist tendencies.

Yes, yes, yes. Marissa, yes. Yeah. And that’s one of the core things of being naturally healthy, is that we don’t have to do this perfectly, to get results, for sure. Yeah. Great. Yeah, it’s really, really powerful. Cool. But did anyone have any questions, or is anyone feeling a bit unsure about habits? Or like, “No Jules, I don’t really want to do habits, this sounds ridiculous?” No? Or everyone’s onboard, with the habit idea? Amazing. Okay. Nodding, I’ve got some thumbs up. Great.

Okay. So we’re going to come back to habits, before we wrap up this hour. Thanks Samantha for typing in the chat. Yes, it’s good to get feedback. And if you are struggling, or if something doesn’t feel right, just shout. I’m happy to coach, and work through stuff. So don’t feel, like it has to be all yeses, and all primrose and daisies. Okay, so that’s an introduction to our habits.

And someone’s just turned on closed captioning, so if you want that, that is available, if you want to see some subtitles. Okay, so now let’s talk about our three part process. And the reason why we have a process, is because… Thinking about it, changing your relationship with food, there’s so many aspects to it. Right? And so in order to navigate that, having a process to follow, is really huge, in terms of making it doable, and setting you up for success.

And the other thing is, when you’re changing anything, we don’t have the evidence yet, that we can change. And so by having a process to follow, you can just trust that the process works, rather than having to trust that you can change. And putting your trust in the process, while you’re building that belief in yourself. And just a reminder, I’ve mentioned this our first call this week, but you’re here, because I know I can help you, and you belong here. And also, you have this process to follow, so you’re in the right place, and it’s just a matter of starting with this process, and adapting this process, to suit your exact habits, and situation, and needs.

So I want you to think about the process, as a framework, to get started, that you’re going to experiment with, to find the exact components, that are going to work for you. So we have this framework, but there’s different ways that you can approach it. And so it’s not like… And I want you to start to see this, as your process. The next six months, are really like we’re on a mission, to uncover, “What’s my exact process?”

And so I don’t want you to think of it as, “This is Jules’ process, or this is Naturally Health Club process.” I want you to take ownership of, “Okay, this is me, figuring out what my process, and I’m taking this as my starting place.” Okay, so in a higher level, there’s three parts to our process. And for those of you that are returning, I’ve changed the acronym a bit. I think every time I do a group, I change it slightly.

So the way to remember our process, it’s three parts, is LIT, L-I-T. And so, L is the listen to your tummy. I, is for making intentional choices. And T, is for tracking the progress. And so we’re going to go deep into each of those. But first I wanted to just talk about why this process works. And there’s a whole heap of reasons.

So first is that we’re working on you as a whole person, rather than a lot of diet stuff, it’s all around the food. But this process works, because we’re looking at your habits, we’re looking at your mindsets, we’re looking at all the aspects of you as a person, and your relationship with yourself, and everything.

The other reason it works, is because what I’m asking you to do, it can be summed up as we’re just eating like a normal person, so it works any way. You can do it if you’re traveling, you can do it… When you’re listening to your body, it doesn’t matter where you’re going, you don’t have to weigh or count anything, it fits in with normal life. And also the other reason why this process works, is because we’re not restricting, or dieting, or counting anything.

And we’re not trying to eat less. And if you look at the research, and there’s a really great book called Foodist, which I put in the bonus resources, by my friend Darya Rose. And she actually looked at all the research on dieting, when she was trying to figure this our for herself. And she found that the biggest predictor of weight gain, is whether someone diets or not. And so, by not trying to be eating less, by listening to our bodies, and listening to our tummy, and giving our bodies what we need, then we’re not in that restrictive mindset, and so we’re avoiding that weight gain situation.

Another reason why this works, is because there’s a psychological component to hunger. And this is something, that you probably aren’t aware of. It’s not very well documented. But there’s actually, in the bonus resources, it’s an article written by a psychologist. And he actually had this theory, that there is a psychological component to hunger. And he wanted to lose 50 pounds. So he actually did an experiment on himself, where all he did was rather than snacking throughout the day, and grazing, he decided he was just going to eat proper meals.

He did change what he was eating, slightly. So he went moderately low-carb, so he wasn’t having toast for breakfast, pasta for lunch, and a sandwich for dinner, he was eating regular food. But the biggest change he went, was from snacking at his desk, to actually just eating at mealtimes, and listening to his body, making sure that he felt satisfied, at his meals. And over eight months, he was able to lose that 50 pounds, just from making those two changes.

Because when you eat proper meals, and you listen to your body, and you’re not trying to restrict, and eat less, when you give your body what it needs, that turns of the psychological component, that psychological hunger. So you’re not driven to overeat later, because you’re giving your body what it needs. Another reason why this works, is because we’re going to focus on the pleasure, which is one of my favorite things. Food is, yes to be there, to be celebrated.

Which is just fun in itself, but also that’s another way that we let our bodies feel satisfied, when we really let ourselves experience the pleasure of food, then you’ll find it’s counterintuitive. Rather than wanting to keep eating, and eating, and eating, you’re actually able to find that satisfaction point. Another reason this works, is because we’re making intentional choices.

And what I mean by that, and what that means, is rather than just living in the moment, and making decisions in the moment, when you step back and make choices, decide ahead about what your treat’s going to be, and what you’re going to eat, you actually use a different part of your brain. So we have this prefrontal cortex, which is the most evolved part of our brain. And the cool thing is when you’re planning ahead, you have to use your prefrontal cortex.

And it is the part of your brain, that can plan for the future, and it can also weigh up future consequences. Whereas, if you’re just making your choices about what to eat in the moment, you’re using a different part of your brain, like the amygdala, which is your emotional brain. And all it cares about is pleasure now, avoiding pain. So it doesn’t even understand, about the future, and so it doesn’t know about future consequences.

So by being intentional, making intentional choices, we use this more evolved part of our brain, so that we’re making choices that are good for us in the moment, but also good for us in the longterm, as well. So that’s a huge component, to why this works. Another reason why this process works, is that we’re tracking our progress, by weighing ourselves every day. So which means, that we learn what works, and what doesn’t work. And we also have that feedback built in.

And the other cool part about this, which we’ll go into more detail, is that that tracking helps us, separate our self-worth, from our weight. It helps us add that distance in between, so we’re not so obsessed about it. But I’ll talk more about that later. So there’s so many reasons, why this process works. So let’s now dive in, and look deeper at each part.

So L, for listening to your tummy, or listening to your body. This is a master skill, that I want everyone to leave with. But the crazy thing is, many people I’ve worked with, have achieved their goal without really 100% dialing in, the listening to their body piece. So you can actually lose a lot of weight, and really change your relationship with food, just by making intentional choices.

However, this listening to your body, takes it to the next level. And I want you to just think about it, just keep an open mind, if you feel like, “I’ve never been able to do that, I’ve tried intuitive eating,” I get that. But I just want you for now, just to keep an open mind, that it’s possible that you could learn this skill. And just seeing that it is just a skill, that you can learn. And we’re going to go deeper into this habit, and into this part of the process, in April.

But for now, we just want to start believing, that it’s possible for you to learn. So that’s the L part. And we are going to start a tiny habit, that’s going to help us with that now. But just know, that we’re going to be doing a lot more work on that, in April. So why do we want to listen to our bodies? Basically it stops that psychological hunger, when we’re giving our bodies what they need, then we’re not stoking that psychological hunger.

It also helps you learn, to give you body what it needs. And the one thing that I’ve learned over all this time, of listening to my body, is that appetites are quite variable, from day to day, depending on what’s going on. So this skill of listening to your body, means that you don’t have to micromanage, and you can stop using your brain, to decide how much to eat, and you just let your body guide you. Because our bodies have this internal wisdom, they know what’s right for them.

Yeah. Yes. So that’s why, we want to listen to our body. And in terms of how we’re going to do this, there’s actually four tiny habits, that we’re going to cultivate over the next six months. The first one is going to be, putting our cutlery down, between bites. And this is the first habit, that we’re going to learn. And the reason for that, is just because it helps us slow down, and enjoy the food more.

Then the next habit we’re going to build, is to maximize pleasure. And what I mean by that is, I’d like to think of it, as maximizing pleasure, rather than eating without distractions. But that’s like when you’re eating, sitting down, and focusing on the food. And not multitasking, and not having your phone, or reading something else, enjoying the food. So that’s the second habit, and a lot of people get freaked out by that habit in the beginning, but then they end up, it’s one of their favorite things that they learn in the Naturally Healthy Club.

The third habit we’re going to learn for listening to our tummies, is actually getting into the habit of physically checking in, and feeling our tummies, feeling how they feel. And then the fourth one, is leaving at least one bite, on our plate. So that sounds like a lot, so just know that this is for future, and you’re not going to have to do them all, at once. And we’re just going to be focusing on that cutlery down, first.

So do anyone have any questions or thoughts, about listening to your body? Any concerns about that, any worries?

Just a quick thing, just because you were saying this, I was doing it this week. And you learn things about yourself, like I never thought I’d be someone who feels like I’m wasting food, if I don’t eat everything on my plate. If you asked me if that was a belief, I’d be like, “No, I don’t have that.” But I do a little bit.


So it’s pretty neat, that the awareness will open up.

Yes. Yeah. Yeah. Great Marissa. And just keeping that curiosity about, “Oh, I wonder what else I’m going to uncover, here?” Yes. Yeah. And Marie asks, “Is it possible to take a smaller portion, rather than leaving food on the plate?” Absolutely Marie. And this is part of you, figuring out your naturally healthy process. So for some people that works better, is that they take less food, but then they give themselves the option to go back, if they want.

And that’s usually what I do, because I usually serve food in the middle of the table. So it’s like I serve myself out some, and then I go back. So yeah, awesome question Marie. Okay, so I’m just mindful of time, so let’s keep going. So that’s first L… Remember our process is three things, L-I-T. So listening to our body, listening to our tummies.

The next one is I, for making intentional choices. And why we want to make intentional choices? It’s just as I spoke about before, it’s because when we’re intentional with our choices, we’re using a better part of our brain. And so we’re making choices, that are good for the now, that we get to enjoy, but also that are good for the future as well, so we’re finding that balance. And so how we make intentional choices? I mean how many, we’ve got four habits there?

Yeah. So I’ve broken it down, into four tiny habits again, for intentional choices. And first is the habit we’re going to build, is the habit of having what I call a daily practice. And there’s going to be a minimum version of it, and a more in-depth version of it. And I’ll go into more detail about what our daily practice is, in a second, and why we have that. But that’s the first habit, we’re going to build. And we’re actually going to be doing a challenge on that, this month.

The second habit we want to build, in terms of making intentional choices, is just having a regular meal schedule, where we’re eating what I call proper meals, and intentional snacks. So we want to move away from grazing, where you’re just foraging, and grabbing bits here and there, to actually having… And you get to decide what that looks like, whether it’s you’re having breakfast, a snack, lunch, a snack, dinner.

For me, I just have lunch, a snack, and dinner. It’s up to you, to decide what your proper meals are going to be. But we want to have that habit, rather than randomly grazing. So that’s daily practice, proper meals. The next one in terms of being intentional, is learning to coach ourselves in the moment, and that’s coming into the mindset piece, and we’re going to talk more about that, in the next hour.

And then the fourth tiny habit, in terms of making intentional choices, is learning how to make intentional choices, in the moment. And with that, all we want to do is just… Because of course, we can plan things ahead, but there’s always opportunities that come up. If you someone invites you out to do… Like, “[inaudible 00:30:00] Jules, do you want to go out for a drink now?” Or it’s someone’s birthday at work, and there’s cake.

And when those opportunities arise, what we want to do, is get into the habit of making those intentional choices in the moment. And we just ask ourselves a question about, “Will I be happy, with this choice, when I’m weighing myself tomorrow?” And if you check in with your future self, and your future self’s like, “Yep, we can go out for a glass of champagne now, that will be fine,” then you can do that. But we want to have that little check-in, so you’re able to make intentional choices, in the moment.

So that’s our four habits, that we’re going to be cultivating over the six months, with making intentional choices. But the key one, is going to be this five-minute exercise, that I call a daily practice. And why we want to have a daily practice… So don’t worry about the other parts yet, we’re going to start this daily practice habit now. And so, I’m just going to go into a bit more detail, of what exactly the daily practice is.

And basically, why we want to do do this, is it’s a way to be intentional about our food choices, but also intentional about our thoughts, and our beliefs. So we’re actually covering off the mindset piece, and the food piece, with this habit. And it’s an opportunity for so many things. And so what the daily practice looks like, is we have two versions. One is going to be our minimum version, which remember from our habits work, that in order to form a new habit, we want to make it as easy as possible?

And so the minimum version for your daily practice, is to just write… I guess the ultra minimum version, would be to just get your notebook out, if you’re doing the exercise in a notebook, or get a piece of paper out, or there’s also an app, that I use for mine. So maybe the ultra minimum version would be, just to open up the app, or open up your notebook. And then the next minimum version would be, just to write one sentence. And that sentence is, “I am naturally healthy,” or “I’m becoming naturally healthy.”

So two parts to it, one, writing that sentence of, “I am naturally healthy,” or “I’m becoming naturally healthy.” So if, “I am naturally healthy,” feels unbelievable to you, then writing, “I’m becoming naturally healthy.” And then the second part to it is, to just think through your day, and just decide, when you’re doing your daily practice, on one treat that you’re going to have, that day. Whether it’s, “I’m going to have a piece of chocolate,” “I’m going to have a glass of wine with lunch,” “I’m going to have ice cream for dessert tonight.” Whatever it is, thinking through your day, and just deciding on one treat to have.

And so with this daily practice, you can do it in your head. But I strongly encourage you to actually write it down. Because when you write things down, you’re 60% more likely to actually implement them. And it cements it in your brain, and gets it out of your head. So it can just be a note on your phone, it can be a physical notebook. You can just do it every day. It could be on a Post-it, it could be on a scrap of paper.

Or you can use the app. So the app that I use, is called the Five-Minute Journal. So I’ll just paste that in the chat. Zoom, here we go. And they have an Android version, and… Yeah. The Five-Minute Journal app. They have an Android version, and an iOS version. So the exercise now, is I want you to just decide, what format do you want to use, for your daily practice? Do you want to be a notebook person, do you want to be a random scraps of paper person, or do you want to try the app? So just type in the chat, and let me know what you’re thinking, what’s going to work for you?

Come on. Come on. Someone… Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Marissa’s going to use the app. Mandy’s going to put it in her daily planner. Yeah. So if you already have some sort of daily thing, that you do, that’s a really good idea, adding it into an existing habit, is always better than having to start a completely new habit. Okay, Carol’s going to try the app. Samantha’s going to check out the app, but tend to use pen and paper.

And actually, the other option is that you can have both. Yeah, you can have the app, and then on some days you might… Maybe on weekends you might want to use, if you don’t normally do your journaling on the weekends, you might want to just use the app, to do it quickly. Yeah. Awesome. Great. Good, Tammy’s going to use the app. Marissa’s got…

Yeah. Yeah. And actually, treat as an experiment, of what you’re going to do. Okay. And so, that’s our minimum version. So what you’re going to be doing is writing down one sentence, “I’m naturally healthy.” Or, “I’m becoming naturally healthy.” And deciding on one treat for the day, and writing it down.

And then the expanded version, so this is really up to you, to make it what you want. There’s no right or wrong here. But there’s three components that I would recommend. So first is, writing down some beliefs, or affirmations, or goals. And in the Five-Minute Journal, they have a section, for affirmations.

And so, within the next hour, we’re going to be coming up with a belief plan. So I’ll just park that idea there, and just put a mental tag of, “Okay, we’re going to…” What that’s going to look like from you, we’re going to do an exercise in the next hour. The second component of the expanded version, is to rather than just be planning one treat, actually planning what you’re going to eat for the day.

And it’s up to you, to decide how much detail you go into that. It might be that you’re just going to think through your day, and go, “Today I’m going to be going out for breakfast. I’m going to have breakfast, I’m going to have lunch at my desk. I’m going to have dinner at home.” And just decide in that way. Or you can actually go, “I’m going to have poached eggs for breakfast, I’m going to have a salmon sandwich for lunch, I’m going to have pasta for dinner.” Or pizza for dinner.

It’s up to you, to… And some days, you might do more detail, and some days less. But you want to make it easy on yourself. The point of the exercise, is just to get you to think through your day, of how do you want your day to go. And then the third part to it is, to actually anticipate obstacles. So again, after you thought through your plan for the day, just think through, “Okay, what could derail this plan?” Imagine what obstacles could come up.

So maybe you feel like planning to cook some salmon for dinner, maybe you’re like, “But I’m going to have a really long day, so I’m going to be feeling tired at the end of the day, I might not feel like cooking.” So you can just imagine navigating the obstacles, during that… And that gives you an opportunity when your brain’s fresh to go, “Oh actually, maybe I’d be better off to grab a takeaway chicken, and have chicken and salad for dinner.”

“Or maybe I’d be better off, to do something else.” Or maybe you’ll be like, “Okay, I am going to feel tired, but I’m going to remind myself, that I’ll feel better when I had the salmon, and I’m going to get myself to cook the salmon anyway.” So just having that time to check in, and anticipate obstacles, is really, really powerful. So that’s the three parts, to the expanded version of our daily practice. But when we’re starting this week, I want you to start with the minimum version of, “I’m becoming naturally healthy,” and deciding on one treat for the day.

So I’ll just paste that in the chat, of this is a minimum version. And that’s what we’re going to be starting with, knowing that-


Yes, Marissa?

Does the amount of the treat… How do we talk about that, in our daily practice?

Yeah. Excellent. Excellent. So you want to be specific. So if you’re like, “Okay, I’m going to have…” If you’re thinking, “Okay, I’m having a glass of whine,” it’s like, “Am I having one glass of wine, am I having a whole bottle of wine?” If I’m having chocolate, “Am I having two squares, am I having the whole bar?” Whatever it is. And you want to have some boundaries, around how much. Because particularly with treats and sugar, if you’re waiting until the moment to decide how much you’re going to have, you’re always going to want more.

So you do want to be specific, with the amounts for treats. But don’t worry about, you don’t have to be specific like, “I’m going to have 50 grams, or five ounces of salmon-”


… for the stuff that doesn’t feel indulgent to you. So if it’s something that you’re like, “Oh, I don’t normally have this.” Or if it feels like… You’ll know what to do. Yeah.


But being specific. You know, “I’m having two cookies,” rather than, “I’m just going to have cookies.” And then the trick is, in the moment of course, when you do want more, learning the skill of coaching yourself, which we’re going to go into a little bit more, in the next hour. Yeah. Yeah. So Samantha said, “So the expanded is the minimum, plus the expanded steps. Correct?”

Yeah. Yep. Yeah, Samantha. And so, I just wanted to tell you what the expanded version was, so you can see how it’s going to evolve. But for now, let’s just focus on building this habit, and doing the minimum version of writing one sentence, and deciding on one treat.

Okay. And just for those of you, that are going to use the app, the format that it gives you, is it gets you to write gratitudes, three things you’re grateful for. So you can do that if you want, or you can skip it. Then it prompts you with a question of, “How am I going to make today great?” So in that section, that’s where I put in my plan. That’s where I would put in my planned one treat. And then the third part, is the affirmations. So that’s where you would write in your one sentence of, “I am naturally healthy.”

So Vicky said, “Every day we should write down, ‘I’m becoming naturally healthy?'” Yes. Yes, Vicky. Excellent. Yep. Yeah. Yeah, okay. Great question. So I’m not sure who this is, but she said, “I’m not a big wine drinker, so when I have wine, I don’t see it as a treat.” Of course. Yeah. When it’s a treat, it has to feel like a treat for you. So that’s the key, and one person’s treat, is not someone else’s treat.

And she said, “Like today I’m going to a kite festival, and will like to buy something there as a treat. Is that okay, not to be specific, as I don’t know what will be there?” Yeah. Yeah, absolutely. But just, you want to think in your mind, “Okay, I’m going to be going to the kite festival, and I’m going to have whatever looks great to me, I’m going to choose something there, in the moment.” And that’s totally fine.

Or, “I’m going to go to my favorite bakery, and just choose whatever pastry looks amazing.” That’s perfect, totally. Yeah. And the thing is, that you’ve thought that through, so that in the morning, you’re not tempted to have a croissant, because you’re like, “Okay, I’m going to have this treat this afternoon, at the kite festival.” And also then, maybe after dinner, it’s like, “Okay. Well, I had my treat at the kite festival, so I don’t need dessert as well.”

And also the other thing is, if you want to plan more than one treat through your day, there might be some days, where it is like you’ve got a few different things on, and it does make sense to have more treats. And so it’s up to you, to find that balance. But I would just recommend, at least one. But if you want to plan in more, absolutely go for it. Okay, it was Keira. Awesome. Okay.

One thing I wanted to… I don’t know if anyone else can relate to this, but I think I’ll do the app, because I could get a little precious with the journal. I’ll be like, “I’m going to get a new journal for this.” And be too precious about it.

Yes. Yes. Yeah. Yeah.

And resistance could crop up.


So I think the app for me, might be a good, “Just don’t get precious.”

Yeah. And the other cool thing with doing the app, is… Actually, we’ll talk more about that, when we do our habit recipes. I’m just mindful of time. Okay. We might move on, because we’re going to come back to the daily practice, when we do our habit recipes. So the next part of our process though, is T for tracking progress. And why we want to track progress is A, what gets measured, gets improved.

So if we aren’t aware of our weight, like the number on the scale, it makes it so much harder, to know if we’re on the right track. Because it takes a lot longer, before we see the difference in how our clothes fit, and how we feel in our bodies. And the other reason I love tracking, is that it is an opportunity, for us to really separate our self-worth, with our weight.

But the way we track, it’s not just weighing. So there’s three different types of tracking that we can use. The first habit I’m going to get you to do, is to start weighing yourself every day. And we’re going to talk more about that, so if you’ve got fears about that, that’s okay. And then the second type of tracking we’re going to do, is a progress quiz, which actually we’re going to do now, in a second.

And that’s to track our habits, and our mindset part. And the third part of tracking, is that you can track actions you take. So an example of that, is we’re actually going to do a challenge together, with our daily practice, to build that habit. And I’ve got a star chart for you, so we’re going to track when you do it. So you get to tick it off, or put a sticker on each day.

And the reason why tracking is really helpful is also, when we feel that sense of accomplishment and, “Ooh, I did that,” that gives us a little dopamine hit, and that’s a little celebration. So it keeps us motivated, to keep going. So our minimum version of tracking now, so the progress piece is something, that we will do in the group, at the end of each month, on our journey together. So you don’t need to worry, about managing that.

The really key thing, is this idea of weighing. The first habit I want you to build, in terms of tracking, is this habit of weighing yourself every day, and recording the number. And the reason we want to do this, is it’s more immediate feedback. It helps you learn what works, and what doesn’t. And with all the people that I’ve worked with, everyone says, they start out not wanting to do this, and then after they do build that habit, they’re really grateful for it.

It’s kind of crazy. So if you’re feeling like, “Oh, I don’t want to weigh myself?” Just know that it’s a really powerful, positive thing, to be doing. And we want to weigh ourselves daily, versus weekly, or monthly, or whatever, or less frequently. Because if you’re just doing it once… Your weight naturally fluctuates every single day, and if you wait… So it’s always going up and down, up and down. Right? Just because there’s so many components, that impact it.

And so, you just don’t get enough data, if you’re only doing it once a week, or once a month. So it can be misleading, whereas if you’re doing it every day, you’re getting enough data, to actually see real trends. And what we’re looking for, is the trends. Because it’s going to fluctuate every day, but it’s like, “Is that fluctuation stable, is it going up, is it going down?” And the biggest resistance that people come up with is like, “Yeah, but what if I don’t want to obsess about my weight?”

And the thing is that, fearing and avoiding the scale, doesn’t make you any less of a slave to it. And if you want to stop obsessing, what you want to do, is step on the scale every day, without feeling shame or pride. Yes. Okay. So how’s everyone feeling, about this? Because I know, this can be a big thing. “Terrified.” Marissa, yeah. Okay. We’re just going to-

I am terrified, because I’ve had experiences of weighing myself, and then not weighing myself for three months. And doing all these things to lose weight, and then the scale was the exact same. That’s where I’m a little bit like-

Yeah. Yeah. Exactly. The daily thing, is really the key. Because it just separates… And we want to just bring curiosity into it. Like, “This is an opportunity for me to learn.” So in terms of scale recommendations, I actually use, Fitbit have a scale, that is… You can get smart scales, that are linked to an app. And it actually is linked to the internet, so it automatically graphs my weight, so that works really well.

Samantha said, “I’ve started a few weeks ago, and was surprised about how quickly the scariest has gone away. I never thought I’d be able to do it.” Yeah. Just keep an open mind. But if you feel like this is really something you… Mm-hmm. Yes, okay. Great one. Mandy said, “I’m more keen to make adjustments based on how I’m feeling, rather than getting attached to a number.”

So yeah, great. So you can do that, but how you want to do that Mandy, is still weigh yourself. But just remind yourself before you get on, it’s like, “This is just data. This is just information.” It’s like, “I’m just doing this to learn, I’m bringing curiosity into it.”

Christine said… Yeah, so you want to do it at the same time of day. You want to do it first thing in the morning, wearing the same things. So I do it, when I get off the… So I get up, sit on the loo, get out my journal, do my daily practice. Then I flush, wash my hands, and weigh myself, before I get dressed for the day, so we just want to bring curiosity to it.

And so Marissa, if you’re feeling fear of judgment… Perfect, just bring that up for coaching, and just notice. Okay, and so I’m going to go into all the things, that cause weight fluctuations, not next week, but the week after. So we’ll come back to this idea, of weighing ourselves every day, in a future call.

And Carrie’s asked, “Should we just write down the number, or graph it somehow, to see a trend?” Yeah, you can just write it down. But there’s apps that you can use, that actually graph it for you, that’s more helpful I think, to be able to see the trends.

“Pre or post coffee?” You want to do it, before you have anything to eat or drink, so it’s the same every day. Okay, this is a big thing, so just keep an open mind with it. Okay. So the other part of tracking, is our progress quiz. So we’re going to do an exercise now, where we’ll do our progress quiz. So what we’re going to do, is rate ourselves on a scale of one to five. One being, “I rarely do this.”

And I’ve just pasted it in the chats there. So one is, “I never do this.” Two is, “I rarely do this, it’s a struggle.” Three is, “Sometimes I do, sometimes I don’t.” Four is, “I do it more often than not.” Five is, “I do this confidently, and consistently.” And then our questions are… So if you’ve got that down. So the first question is, “So I put my cutlery down, between bites?” So one, “I never do this.” Two, “I rarely do it, it’s a struggle.” Three, “Sometimes I do, sometimes I don’t.” Four, “I do it more often than not.” And five, “I do this confidently and consistently.”

So just the first number that pops into your head, is the number that we want to go with. So it’s number one… Yeah, so you can type in the chat, or if you want to write it on paper too, that’s cool. So we’ve got 14 questions here, to get through. Number two is, “I eat without distractions?” So that’s maximizing, the pleasure of food. Number three, “I pause and check in with my tummy, halfway through the meal?”

Number four is, “I leave food on my plate, when I’m satisfied?” And just remember, this is the very beginning one. So if you’re berating yourself like, “I never do this, I never do this, I never do this?” Perfect. Because that means there’s heaps of opportunity, to go up. Okay. Number five, “I do my five-minute daily practice exercise?” So you should be all one, “I never do this,” because it’s just a new concept, I’ve introduced you to.

Six, “I enjoy proper meals, and intentional snacks?” Good to see some ones there. Seven, “I plan a treat every day?” Eight, “I’m aware of my self talk, and coach myself in the moment?” Nine, “I make…” So again, this self coaching, which should be a one. It’s not something that you’re… Well, you may have some awareness around it. But just like, low scores now are good. Nine, “I make intentional choices, in the moment?” 10 is, “I weigh myself with curiosity. And record the number?”

11, “I include protein, in every meal?” 12, “I’m able to feel negative emotion, without buffering with food?” 13, “I review my day, and think about what I want to do differently?” And 14, “I celebrate my tiny wins?” And so, you can total that up, it’s a total out of 70. And just keep your score somewhere, where you can come back to it. I’m actually going to be sending you all, in the mail, a Naturally Healthy Club Playbook, which has this…

Mandy, 13 was, “I review my day, and think about what I want to do differently?” So the Naturally Healthy Club Playbook, you’re going to get that in the mail. And that has the progress quiz, so future quizzes, you’ll be able to record. When you get your Playbook, you can put it in there. Yes. So no judgment, this is where you’re at now, just knowing what’s going to be interesting, is how that number changes, out of time.

Yeah. So Marie said, “31 out of 70.” Brilliant, perfect. Room for improvement. Okay, so we’ve got five minutes now, four minutes now, to do our tiny habits exercises. So we’re going to do our recipes, for our tiny habits. And so, if you remember back to our process, it’s LIT, for listen to our bodies, make intentional choices, and track progress. So can we find…

Oh yeah, Jennifer. The progress quiz, is in the bonus resources, in Circle. So yes, you can find it online. So everything that we do, it’s posted in the group as well, in Circle. And so yeah, the progress quiz is in there, under bonus resources, I posted it the other day. Okay, so exercise our tiny habits recipes. So if you remember, with habits, in order to form a new habit, creating a recipe for each habit, is how we’re going to do that.

And so, we’ve got our three habits, that we’re going to be doing. So the first habit for listen to our tummy, is a habit of putting our cutlery down. The second habit is going to be I, for making intentional choices. So that’s going to be, our daily practice, five-minute journal habit. And then the third habit, that we’re going to build now, is weighing ourselves every day.

So the recipe for the cutlery down habit, is basically I’m going to give this to you, because it’s the same for all of us. But it’s when I put food in my mouth… So very specific, when I put food that food in my mouth, I want you to imagine, I’ve got a fork, the food’s going in. Imagine it’s something really yummy. Maybe it’s a spoon of ice cream, and I put that spoon of ice cream in my mouth. I’m going to put the cutlery, chopsticks, or if I’m having a burger, I’m going to put the burger down. And chew thoroughly, while I enjoy that bite.

So I’ll just paste this into the chat, and I’ll put these recipes, with the replay as well, if you want to come back to them. But that’s our first recipe. So how does everyone feel about that, as a recipe? Is that really clear, on what you’re doing, and when? If you’re eating with chopsticks, put the chopsticks down? Yeah, everyone’s feeling great. Great. Does anyone, have any concerns about that one?

Okay, awesome. And then our next habit recipe, is for our daily practice. So this one, you are going to need to write it out, for yourself. And so, maybe write it in the chat. So the format is, “When very…” So, I’ll give you some examples. So mine is, “When I sit down on the loo in the morning, I open up the Five-Minute Journal app, and write, ‘I’m becoming naturally healthy.’ And write down one treat for the day.” So yours might be, “After I take my first sip of my morning coffee, I’ll open up my journal, and do it then.”

Or it might be, “When I turn my alarm off in bed in the morning, I’m going to open up the Five-Minute Journal app, after I turn the alarm off.” So just have a think about, what would make sense for you. Marie’s like, “When I use my planner to plan my day, I will write my daily practice in my journal.” Fantastic, yes. So when I open up my planner to plan my day. Perfect. And you want to get it as specific, as possible.

Okay. Type in the chat, who else has got an example? Okay. “Is this for weighing, and daily practice?” This is the daily practice habit, so when are you going to do your daily practice habit, and what’s that going to look like? Marie, can you repeat that? “The app walks you through…” Actually, so Marie, I’ll post that with the replay, of what the app walks you through. Because not everyone’s going to be using the app, I’ll just make a note to do that.

So Nicole said, “When I drop my son off at the bus stop, I will plan my day in my journal.” That’s a good start Nicole, but I’d actually get more specific, because are you going to do it in the car, after he closes the door at the bus stop, or after he gets on the bus? The more specific you can be, the better. Marissa said, “When I have my coffee.” So it’s like, “After I take my first sip of the coffee.” Or Marissa, getting really… Because you want to be able to really imagine yourself doing it.

So thinking about that flossing habit, he wasn’t just like, “After I brush my teeth.” He was like, “When I put my toothbrush back in the charger.” Yes. Yes. Yeah. And Keira said, “Can I have a backup time?” Absolutely, yeah. If you need to have two different times, go for it. Yeah. And also, just keep an open mind, and experiment. Because there’s going to be times, where it doesn’t make…

It might take you a few times, to find the right time. Okay, great. Yeah, Marissa, “When I sit on the loo?” Yeah, I do it every morning. And I’ve actually got a streak of doing my daily practice every day, for 600 days. Because that’s the first thing, I get up, I go to the loo. Great. Yes. Vicky’s gone, “After I take my morning medication. I will sit down at the desk in my bedroom, and write journal, and the plan. In pen.” Perfect, perfect.

Okay. Great. Great. Okay. So that’s… “When I drink my morning tea, I will complete my daily practice.” Samantha, yes. So, “After I take my first sip, of my morning tea…” Perfect. “When my son leaves for school, I will write in my journal.” So Marissa, are you going to be doing it, after the door closes? The more specific you can get, the better. Yes. Right. Jules is like, “When I bring my morning coffee back, to drink in bed.” That sounds amazing. “I will open my journal.”

Perfect. Great. So that’s our daily practice, tiny habit recipe. And then we want to do the same recipe for… No, not the same recipe, we want to do the same exercise, for when you’re going to weigh yourself. “So when… I will weigh myself. And record the number,” whatever. Yes, Amy’s like, “When I unplug my phone in the morning, I will open the app, and complete the morning practice.” Fantastic.

And so yeah, your minimum requirement Amy, is I’m just going to open the app. And if I’ve opened the app, then that’s a win for the day, I’m going to tick that off for the day. Okay. So everyone now, in terms of weighing yourself, when are you going to do that? So it might be like, “When I take my clothes off, to have a shower in the morning.” Or it might be after you go to the loo in the morning. “After I’ve used the restroom.” There we go Samantha. “I will immediately weigh myself.” Fantastic.

“So after I wash my hands, I’ll weigh myself then.” Who else has thought about, when they’re going to weigh themselves? Okay. “After I go to the loo, first thing in the morning, I’ll wash my hands, and weigh myself wearing my birthday suit.” Excellent. Excellent. Fantastic. That’s the best time, or linking it to shower time, when you’re going to be…

Yes, brilliant Jules. “After I turn on the hot water tap, while I’m waiting for the warm water to come through, I’ll weigh myself in the bathroom.” Brilliant. Brilliant. Okay. So those of you, that are like, “Oh, I’m not sure if I should weigh myself.” I want you to just treat it as an experiment, of like, “Okay, what’s the worst thing that can happen, if I just commit to doing this for one week?” And if you’re not willing to experiment…

If you’re thinking, “No, this isn’t for me…” Is anyone thinking that, “No, I don’t want to weigh myself, it’s not for me?” Come on. “Kind of,” says Mandy. Okay, cool Mandy. So maybe for only those of you that are like, “No, I really don’t want to…” Yeah, because of that feeling. And the really surprising thing with weighing yourself every day, is that it’s the opposite of what you’d expect. Rather than getting caught up with the number, it actually helps you know for sure where you’re at.

And I approached it with this curiosity, and fun. And if I’ve had it, like I know I’ve overeaten the day before, I’m like, “Oh, I wonder what’s the damage going to be? Just bring that curiosity to it.” But it just takes all the guesswork out of it. And I know before I used to weigh myself every day… So I’ve been weighing myself every day for probably 10 years, but before I used to that, I would never know. And I’d always be like, “Oh, am I gaining, am I not? Are my clothes fitting, are they feeling tighter, are they not?”

Or I’d run into a friend that I hadn’t seen for a while, and they’d be like, “Oh Jules, are you still running?” In my brain, they would just be asking because they knew I run. But in my brain I’d be like, “Oh, they think I’m fat, that’s why they’re asking me if I’m still running or not. They think I’ve stopped because I’m gaining all this weight.” There was so much drama in my head, around whether I was gaining weight or not.

And then when I started, I was like, “Well, I actually know, exactly where I’m at.” And so really, I know that it can feel scary, and it can feel counterintuitive, but it really makes a big difference. It really just takes that drama out of it. And… Yeah. Yeah.

Just a question?

Yeah. Go Marissa?

I think one resistance from me, is that I lift weights, and I’m nearly six feet tall. So all those things, affect that number.


So it’s like, let’s say I’m 400 pounds, let’s be playful with this.

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

You know what I mean? And so, lifting weights, and I’ve got the muscle, and so will I actually lose numbers on the scale, no matter what I’m doing with my weights? You know what I mean, that I would become 380? So I’m just curious, how that-

Yeah. Let’s just keep it curious. And the real absolute number doesn’t matter, and it’s just-

It doesn’t? Okay.


I need to hear that over and over again.


The actual number doesn’t matter.

It doesn’t matter. And it’s not something that you’re going to be sharing with the group, this is just for you to learn. This is just for you, to have that feedback. And I lift weights too Marissa, so I guess there is that thing of when you’re putting on more muscle, you can be changing your body composition, and not seeing the number on the scale change that much. But it’s like, there’s still value in doing it. And just being totally cool, with wherever it’s at.

And really, if your bodybuilding, maybe you might be gaining so much muscle, but it’s going to be this huge spike on the scale. But I work out a fair bit, and my weight’s been really constant, for years.

Okay, that’s super helpful.

Yeah. Great. And Carrie said, she’s the same, right there with you Marissa. And this number is just for you. And actually, I wanted to mention, this isn’t the Biggest Loser, where we’re going to be posing numbers in the group of, “Oh, I lost this. I lost that.” This is just for you, to keep to yourself, just as a private thing, so nobody else needs to know about it. And actually, Joan, or Marie, or Kim, would you mind sharing… Actually Marie, you’re on camera. Would you mind sharing your experience, of weighing yourself every day, so it’s not just coming from me?

Yeah. I had been doing WW before, and I would weigh myself weekly. And sometimes I’d weigh myself in between. But it was always such drama like, “Okay, I’m only going to weigh myself on Tuesdays,” and then I’ll starve myself Monday. And not feel good about myself on Tuesday. And then I’ll eat like crazy, and then… You know? And then we started the Naturally Healthy Club, because this is my second session, I started weighing every day.

And I thought, “This is going to be a bummer.” And it actually worked really well. I mean, it got to where, I still have… I can’t say, that there weren’t days when I jumped up, from having had a big meal, or something, that I didn’t feel bad about myself. There were certainly days when I did that, I asked for coaching from you, around that. And there certainly were the opposite days, where I had dropped, and then I was like, “I’m the most wonderful person in the world.”

But the more I do it, the more I see the ups and downs. And it just becomes like, “Oh, yeah. Well, of course it’s that way, I had beef last night.” Or I planned ahead for that. I knew I was going to have a big meal on Saturday night, and so I’m not surprised that Sunday looks like this. And it definitely was also learning… I think you coached someone else about this, learning that it does show up pretty quick. It’s up or down.

It’s not like, “Oh, I have to remember what I ate three days ago, because now it’s showing up.” It’s like no, it’s really responsive. And so that has been a good thing. So I do weigh myself every day, and I track it every day. And it’s gotten to be, it’s not a big deal. It’s just information.

Yay. Awesome. Thank you Marie. Good to come from not just me. And Marie said in the chat, she weighs herself because it’s data, “And I like data.” There we go, that’s a helpful thought. Yes. Okay. Amy said, “When I’m getting up, socks and undies to get dressed in the morning, I will weigh myself. And jot down the number on my paper. The scale is next to my dresser.” Perfect. Great.

Okay, so we’re going a bit over time here, but I want to get this all done, in this first session. Yes, so Joan’s saying, “I resisted for several months to start with.” But Joan, you weigh yourself now, don’t you? “Now, I can not imagine not doing it” So there we go, there we go. Actually Joan, are you able to talk, would you want to just share that experience?

Yeah. Hi Jules. It’s been so long ago, that I don’t remember what month it was I started in, but I think it was in the Fall, of your-

Right. Right. Right.

And it took me until January first, and I thought, “Well, I’m just going to weigh myself every day,” and I did. And wrote it down. I have an app, actually, that I put it in, because I don’t have a digital scale.

Oh, yeah. What’s your app Joan?

Oh, let me take a look here. But anyhow, I can’t imagine not weighing now.

Mm-hmm. Very good.

But now and then, I will skip the day. And that makes me anxious, now it’s skipped. Because by then day two, it’s like, “Oh boy, I’d better make sure that I know where I’m at,” that it’s almost reversed itself. Where before I used to be anxious about weighing, now I’m anxious not to.

Yeah, you actually want to have the information? Yeah.

Yeah, absolutely. The app is called A-K-T-I-B-M-I.

Oh, yeah.

And I got that from Lisa Strandling. It’s just very easy, to do.

There we go. Yeah, there we go. So if anyone wants that app, there’s other ones, this one is called Happy Scales.


Okay. Thanks Joan. For those of you that are like… Just keep an open mind, and just get curious. And you can try it, and then if you really decide you hate it, you can go, “Look, I tried this Jules, it’s not for me.” But I’d recommend, give it a couple of weeks, and see how it goes. And also be willing, to ask for coaching on it, if you find that it is bringing up stuff. Okay.

I think also Jules, one thing is, it’s so refreshing to be able to say, “Hey, I actually want the scale to go down, and lose weight.” Because there’s almost a trend now, it’s not okay to want to lose some weight.

Right. Right. Right. Yeah.

And this looks kind of like, “Oh, I can accept this about me. I genuinely want to lose some weight, and that’s okay. And that’s why we’re here. And so it’s okay to…” There is something much messaging, that it’s not okay. Get rid of the scale, accept yourself. Self-love? You know-

Yeah. And also, but it doesn’t have to be this either/or thing, Marissa, that you’re either totally accepting of myself, and not looking at any data. Or I’m like, not accepting… What we want to do, is actually accept ourselves, and have the data. And it’s a radically different idea. But actually, and I didn’t mention, but there’s a National Weight Registry in the US, that tracks people who’ve lost more than 30 pounds I think, and have kept it off for two years. And 80 or 90% of those people who’ve done that, weigh themselves.

So it’s okay, to want to be different. But also, accept ourselves where we’re at, as well. So I can see why people think, that it would be better not to, but it’s actually kind of counterintuitive. Marsha said, “I’ll start right after I get home from Japan.” Brilliant, I’m so jealous of your trip to Japan, Marsha. Okay. Okay. Oh, Christine said, “I take medication early in the morning, with a full glass of water, and then need to go back to bed, so I’m not sure what time would be best, to weigh myself?”

Well, if you’re doing that every morning Christine, then if that’s your baseline that you have that water every morning, that’s perfect. And then, just whatever, after you go to the loo, later on, whatever time fits in. So it’s just keeping your morning routine as consistent as possible, like if you’ve had breakfast, you don’t want to go an weigh yourself then, because that’s going to… But if you’re just having a glass of water, and you’re doing that every day, it’s totally fine.

Okay. Great. And then our final thing, before we wrap up this first hour, that I’ve gone way over on, is just this idea of celebrating. So we’ve got our three habits, it’s cutlery down, daily practice, and weighing ourselves every day. And the other part to our habits, is celebrating them. Because we change best, when we feel good. So we want to get into the habit, of speaking kindly to ourselves, and acknowledging.

So what I want you to do, is every time you do your daily practice, like when you remember to weigh yourself, before you get on the scale go, “Look, I remembered to weigh myself. How about this?” Or, “Look at me being brave, by trying something new.” Because the more you give yourself that positive reinforcement, and that positive self talk, the more you’re going to want to do it. So how does everyone feel, about celebration? And really it’s just noticing, and giving yourself a little pat on the back. Does anyone have any concerns, about doing that, or worries about doing that?

Just type in the chat, or if you want to… “Born to celebrate, and…” Excellent Marissa. So good, you’re ahead of the game, but some of us, not so much. It’s not intuitive. Yeah, great. And so what we want to do Carrie, is just recognize that. And it’s just notice, get into the habit of noticing. And I’ll come back to this, and I’ll remind you. But just notice, like when you remember to do your habit, just remember to give yourself a little, “Hey look, this is me remembering to do my Naturally Healthy habits.”

And when you complete it, also remember like, “Look, I just did my daily practice today. Look, this is a good job. This is vote, for me becoming my naturally healthy self.” Okay. Marissa’s is saying, “I think it’s…” Yeah. Yeah. And I’ll remind you. So we’ll be talking a lot, about celebration, as we go on. Because it does, it feels good. And there’s always a way that you can do it, in a way that feels…

So for some, being a really big cheerleader like, “Yay, look at me. I’m amazing.” That’s going to work. But for some of you, it’s just like, “Oh yeah, good job. I did that. Yeah.” And that’s going to give you the same benefit. Okay. So just to recap, so far we’ve talked about tiny habits. We’ve got our three part process, so L-I-T. Listen, intentional choices, and tracking. We’ve done our progress quiz. And we’ve got our three tiny habits recipes. And we’ve spoken about celebrating.

So we’re going to take a five-minute break now, so it’s 20 past the hour now, so we’re going to come back at 25 past the hour. And then, we’re going to delve into part two, which is all around, “My thoughts create my results.” So I will see you back here, is everyone cool with that? Yep. Yep. Great, see you back here soon.

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